I was the total skeptic

I lifted weights all my life. Competed as a bodybuilder. Trained hundreds of clients. And NEVER thought in my lifetime I would be sharing this…

Your mind is the most powerful “muscle” in your body. That is, if you know how to activate it properly…

And when you do, you’ll add lean muscle to your physique…

Feel stronger every time you step foot in the gym, or workout from home… and perform at the top of your game, always. 
And while the research is brand new…

The principle has been tucked away in Biblical texts and spoken of by ancient philosophers for decades…
As a man thinks, so is he” - Proverbs 23:7
Or the famous book, “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.

We’ve heard about the power of the mind in all sorts of different ways. But…

Is it really true that you can think… and build muscle?
And use this mental hack, coupled with a few key activation exercises, to take your size and strength gains to levels you never imagined possible?

Doctors from the Cleveland Clinic confirm it (1). Researchers from Ohio University say it’s true (2). The University of Washington proves its effectiveness (2). See…

This isn’t some “woo-woo” hippie kind of stuff.
What you’ve just stumbled on is the ultimate secret to unlocking the body you’ve always wanted…

Strong, muscular, full of energy…

Completely in sync from head to toe…

So keep reading because on this page I’ll reveal the research that shows this really works.
Think Of Your Muscles Like A
Radio Station…
You only need to dial into your “activation” frequency and you’ll get stronger and more toned
It’s not hard to do. And is completely safe… Plus…

it only takes a few minutes of your time

And even delivers a rush of “alpha hormones” to your muscles…

Which boosts power, mental clarity and sexual performance in one fell swoop…

All this by using a method doctors are calling imaginary exercise

It couldn’t get any easier…

Because this new way of getting fit practically tricks your mind into doing all the work for you… And… 
A Group Of Medical Experts At Ohio University Found It Can Make You 212% Stronger… 
Without Moving A Muscle!
Sounds crazy, right?

That’s what I thought, too… Until I studied this wild experiment…

Where doctors took a small group of people and wrapped their arms in a cast for 4 weeks…

And told one group to live life like normal…
And the other group to perform imaginary exercise on the forearm 5-days per week

All they had to do was THINK about flexing their muscles…

And the result was almost unbelievable…

Because at the end of the study the imaginary exercise group was 2x stronger than the other group…
Without touching a weight. Or even moving a muscle…
Just Thinking About Exercising Their
Muscles Made Them Stronger
Most folks think the body and mind are two completely separate things
Yet there’s a direct connection between the two… And…  
Science tells us imagining an action in the mind and doing it with the body stimulates THE SAME part of the brain… (4)

Did you ever think it could be that easy? That you can get a big chest by just thinking of bench pressing…

Or muscular glutes by day-dreaming of squatting… 
The research says you can…
Another study from The University of Northampton tested imaginary exercise…

This time on the calf muscle…

And saw an average 8.1% increase in muscle strength… one subject even increased strength by 33.9%... (5) 
Can you imagine that?
Getting more than 1/3 stronger just by thinking about training a muscle…

And from anywhere, too… 
Get Stronger In The Shower… At The
Office… Your Kid’s Dance Recital…
It’s Up To You
Yet let’s not stop here…

What would happen if you paired imaginary exercise with “real” exercise?

Dr. Schoenfeld from the University of New York tested just that…

And discovered it’s the BEST way to build more muscle when working out… (6)
You can even use this technique to get a six-pack… Because…

A respected study found that thinking about your abs while training will give you more of a ripped core… (7)

Pretty amazing, huh?

What’s more shocking to me is there’s only a small group of people who know about this… 
Even Arnold Schwarzenegger used it to become a bodybuilding legend…

Yet imaginary exercise goes further back than Arnold…

It dates all the way back to a 19th century German strongman who weighed only 145 lbs.…
And Once Pressed A 210 Pound Man Over His Head With One Hand… While Drinking A Beer In The Other!  
Sounds like a great party trick…
Yet the German strongman gave ALL credit to the exercise method I’m about to share with you…

But before I do…
You’re Probably Wondering Who I Am And Why I Can Help You…
Hi. I’m Frank Rich. Fitness author. Podcaster. And ISSA certified trainer…

And I’ve dedicated my life to transforming the bodies of men like you

From WWE superstars, to fitness professionals, to average guys who want a better body and life…

I take great pride in helping men love the way they look… Especially fellas over 30…

Because when you cross 30 years old, you’ve got a lot going on, and it’s tough to find time to put your goals on the priority list. 

You spend at least 40 hours a week working hard for your family… 
While doing your best to be present… involved in your kid’s lives (if you have any)… and keeping your marriage healthy…
Yet folks still compare your body to the young guy across the street… 
Feels Like The World Expects You To Be Superman, Doesn’t It?
And shames you for not being in better shape… even when you’re doing the best you can…
It’s not fair… 
I Get It… And I Want To Help… 
I’m confident the imaginary exercise routine on this page will be a game-changer for you…

And will help you get your body back…

Heck, you’ll likely be stronger and more muscular than ever before

So when people see you, they’ll think, “what has he been doing to get in such great shape?”
But I Have To WARN You First…
This imaginary exercise routine isn’t your golden ticket to jump back in the gym and train like you did in college… 
Sure, if you’re already in shape…
This routine is going to up your game even more and take your strength and physique to the next level…

So if you’re a powerlifter, athlete, bodybuilder, of fitness buff, you’re going to love what this quick “muscle activation” trick can do...

But if you’re getting back into the swing of exercise after a long break… especially if you’re in your late 30s and beyond…

Simply start with the activations I’ll show you further down this page…

And from there— watch your body come back to life… with greater performance, strength and the recovery you remember having as a teen.  
Because it’s safe… activates your muscle fibers like a one-rep max, even if you’re lifting little weight… and keeps your joints out of harm’s way…

And best of all… it won’t short change you on muscle and strength gains

Something like this doesn’t exist in the fitness space…

And to be honest, I’m both shocked and honored…

Because I get to be the first guy to shape an entire exercise philosophy around imaginary movement… and simple muscle activation

For men like you who deserve all the respect in the world… yet haven’t found the right guide to a better body…
No One Has Combined These Principles Into One Solution Before… UNTIL NOW… 
Even the most influential fitness experts don’t realize how powerful this can be for you…
So they don’t talk about it… or only mention it in passing…

But that all changes for you today…

Because you’re about to tap into a superior form of training that puts all others to shame… Here’s how: 
Over 30 Training Mistake #1: Max Loading
Most experts will tell you that to build muscle you need to lift heavy weight…
Yet they couldn’t be more wrong!

A new study found that men who lift with just 50% of their 1 rep max while using ‘internal muscle signaling’…

Carved out a better physique than guys lifting 80% of their 1 rep max without it… (8) Plus…
Max loading puts you at high-risk of injury

Think about it… if you let your form slip while using heavy weights, you could end up stuck in bed with a few ice packs…

Because your body isn’t as forgiving as it once was…

Or even worse… you’ll be sped to the E.R…

Like the 300,000 people rushed to the hospital last year after a heavy weight lifting accident… (9) 
Solution: Internal Muscle Signaling
The last thing you need is to get hurt from training…
Or feel worse when your kids want to play and you can’t because you’re in pain… or you have a backache when your partner wants to mess around in the bedroom…

But with Internal Muscle Signaling you can build a ripped physique while lifting puny weights

Because this method “switches on” the best 3 muscle building processes in the body… (10)

And when you connect your mind and muscle together, you’ll decrease any chance of injury

So you can get a physique that looks great… and feels great!

And I’ll show you how in just a moment…
Over 30 Training Fail #2: Mixed Warm-Ups 
Think about the last time you warmed up on a bench press…
What muscles were you focused on?

You’ll probably say you were warming up your chest… But were you really?

The truth is your chest, triceps, shoulders and core are all involved in a bench press…

So if you go to a bench press to warm up...

Your mind will be confused about what muscle you want to focus on and grow

As a result, your chest will stay weak and small…

And you’ll leave tons of muscle fibers untouched. See…

If you want to build any muscle you need to “activate” it by focusing only on that muscle…

Yet, you won’t be able to that with traditional warm-ups…

You can only activate every fiber in your muscles with a unique priming method…  
Solution: Muscle Isolation Primers 
Muscle Isolation Primers target whatever muscle group you want to grow…
And locks in your muscle signaling connection

Until you release a brain wave called Acetylcholine

Which boosts the amount of muscle fibers activated during training… for more muscle growth…

With Muscle Isolation Primers you’ll be more in-tune with your muscles than ever before

And will see such explosive results...

You’ll wonder how you ever got along without it…

In a moment, you’ll gain full access to the very best Muscle Isolation Primers for each muscle…

Over 30 Training Fail #3: Shake It Out & Stretch 
Have you ever stretched a muscle before weight training?
Or “shake it out” after a set?

Both methods are ruining your chances of building a great body…

First, stretching is the most overrated thing you can do before exercise…

And can even cause injuries… (11)

Second, “shaking out” your muscles between exercise does nothing for you…

It may feel good…

Yet it has no benefit for your performance in the gym

But there’s one thing you can do before and between sets that’ll give you a crazy pump…
Solution: Blood Rush Activation
There’s an amazing study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology…

That found using this one Blood Rush Activation technique can boost muscle size by 4%... without any other exercise…

And can even make you squeeze your muscles 50% harder than you could without it… (12) Plus…

Blood Rush Activation sends a surge of nutrients and anabolic hormones right into your target muscle

In less than 10-seconds…

So you get a lean and powerful physique with ease…

And in a minute you’ll learn how to use this simple 10-second trick to get the body you crave…
These 3 Exercise Solutions Combined Into One Routine Will Activate Every Muscle Fiber You Want For A High-Powered Physique…
Imagine what something new like this can do for you…
First of all… you’ll correct several training mistakes you’ve made in the past…

That alone is enough to give you a bigger and badder physique

And you’ll awaken muscle fibers that’ve been asleep, quite possibly, your entire life

Which will instantly add thickness to your muscles…

Plus—when you direct blood flow into your muscles you’ll warm up even the most stubborn fat...

And melt it right off your body…

It really works like a charm!

And is safe and effective… no matter what your age, training experience… or even if you’ve had a history of training injuries in the past…

There’s no other program like this on the planet. All that’s left to do is try it for yourself… 
The Amazingly Easy Muscle Signaling System That Stimulates Every Muscle Fiber In Your Body For Bigger Pumps, Muscle & Strength Gains Before Touching A Single Weight…

And Re-Directs “Blood Flow Traffic” Full Of Anabolic Hormones And High Energy Nutrients Right Into Your Muscles So You Can Show Off NEW Strength and Confidence In Only 12-Weeks…
This Program Is The Perfect Blend Of Imaginary Exercise And Practical TrainingAnd Is The Only One Of Its Kind!
Inside Massthetics Activation You’ll Get…
  • A complete video course where I take you by the hand and walk you through over 20 unique activation exercises that enhance muscle signaling before every workout…
  • 3 ways to push growth hormone right into your muscles… (you can perform trick #2 in the shower… at your desk… and even while playing around with your kids before bed!)
  • The #1 mistake most guys make on a bench press that keeps your chest weak and small. (Even if you get everything else “right”, your physique will fall flat if you make this common mistake that nobody talks about.)
  • Dial into and strengthen your muscle activation signals with this one part of your body… (HINT: It isn’t a muscle). Page 5.
  • How to trick your mind… Into doing all of the muscle building for you! Page 4.
  • A scientifically proven “brain hack” that’ll increase the amount of muscle fibers you activate in each workout… without touching a single weight. Amazing!
  • Why every rep of your activation set should take no less than 6-10 seconds… Most experts get this WAY wrong and leave tons of muscle mass on the table as a result! Page 6…
  • If I told you to flex your lats right now, could you do it? No? Learn how at 5-minutes into video #2…
  • If you’re lifting a weight heavier than what your grandma can do… you’re going too heavy! Find out why on page 7.
  • The #1 thing you should NEVER do before a workout… Every coach you’ve ever had told you to do this one thing before you train… And has ruined your physique because of it!
  • How to use a resistance band to ignite every muscle fiber in your chest... After your first time using this 6-second technique you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it
  • The two parts of your body you must activate FIRST before you can get a muscular chest, buff arms, and a thick back… No one in their right mind would guess these two activation “hot spots” were so important… Yet if you don’t activate them your physique is done for!
  • Why laying down flat and sucking in your abs will instantly strengthen your entire body… You’ll learn how 1-minute into video #1…
  • How to get bigger traps by lifting your hands above your head… (even while you’re sitting on the couch doing nothing but watching golf on T.V.)
  • The easiest way to “switch on” your back muscles using a bench press… Find out at 5-minutes on video #2…
  • How to send a blood rush into your quads by pointing your toes… Do this before a leg press exercise for thick and meaty quads that turn heads in any pair of shorts…
  • Get a MASSIVE bicep pump without touching a single weight! (I guarantee you’ve never moved your bicep through this full range of motion before. But when you do, it has no choice but to grow.)
  • The one bodyweight movement you need to activate every muscle in your lower body…
  • A breathing hack that’ll send more blood into each muscle before setting foot in the gym, how to get a head-turning pump before you touch a weight, why standing on one leg and lifting the other is the best way to find out how deep you should really squat, how to activate every muscle in your hamstring with your hand, and so much more! 
Here’s What My Personal Clients Are Saying About Massthetic Activation… 
When I met Frank, I was coming to the end of my career with WWE and was experiencing an enormous amount of pain and discomfort in my shoulders and neck. Frank explained to me that even though I was strong, I had created major imbalances in my body. When he started training me with his basic technical principles I immediately noticed a difference. For the first time in my life I was focusing on posturing and strict kinesthetic movement with everything I did. Not only did I see immediate results when it came to better mobility and less pain, I got BIGGER, LEANER, & STRONGER in the process. The principles and philosophies Frank instilled in me I have now adopted as my weight training constitution. I have never been stronger, leaner, and most importantly pain free and happier. I am honored to call Frank Rich a friend and I have told him this personally, and am now happy to say publicly to the world…

- Kevin Kiley Jr (Alex Riley WWE)
Working with Frank is the single greatest benefit to the transformation that I have made in my physique over the past year and was accomplished not by some cookie cutter, LA Fitness personal trainer diet and workout program, but by a meticulous attention to detail and a deeper understanding of bodybuilding, incorporating practical biochemistry and physiology into my plan, allowing for the most optimal progress to be acquired throughout the course of the program. The fact that Frank understands not everybody functions the same, allows for him to manipulate a variety of the multitude of factors that influence one's physique and make adjustments to best suit that particular individual.

- Michael Johnson "MJ" - Wayne State School of Medicine
As a former Marine I am no stranger to fitness and workout programs. Massthetic Muscle is hands down the best program I've ever completed. Why? Because Frank doesn't just tell you what to do, but also why you're doing it. And understanding the why behind anything one does is crucial to long-term success. Look no further, this is the real deal.

- Steeven Lerebours
The training program and diet were easy to follow yet effective. The exercises and volume of the workouts were just right so I could recover for the next training session. The diet and supplementation pushed me through my workouts like a beast; something I felt was lost and gone because of aging. The results and knowledge I gained working with him in 3 months were more than I gained by myself in the previous 9 months. I was able to go from 183 lbs to 164 lbs, dropping body fat while building muscle. More importantly my mindset shifted, I have greater self-confidence, motivation, and drive which has carried over to my personal life. Coach Frank has been instrumental in my transformation & fitness journey!!!
-Tan Mai
Frank, thank you so much for the awesome routine you put together. After hitting a plateau in my gym training I thought that was the best I was going to get at my age. You definitely proved that theory wrong. I loved the program and the diet and I thank you for the results and your support in taking my workouts to a new level. At 52 years old, I was able to add 10 lbs of muscle in just 12 weeks, while getting significantly leaner. I am feeling great and loving the new size!
Thank you!
- Pete Morrisby
I know that trying out something new for your body is a big commitment…
And that’s why I want to make this decision a “no brainer” for you. And give you as much value as I can…

So you can get your dream physique faster than you ever imagined possible…

Which is why when you buy Massthetic Activation today, I’ll toss in…
Some people would call this program my “magnum opus”

Because inside the Massthetic Muscle bonus you’ll get the most in-depth muscle building program I’ve ever created…

Which pairs perfectly with the Massthetic Activation program… That you’re getting for mere chump change on this page…

Plus inside the Massthetic Muscle, I’m “giving away the farm” for FREEBecause you’ll get…

Because you’ll get…
Massthetic Foundation FREE!
How many times have you taken the foundation of a massive building for granted?

Probably a lot. After all, you’ve never walked into a million-dollar mansion and commented on how great the foundation is… Yet…

When it comes to building a head-turning physique, you need to have a solid foundation…

And that’s why I’ve combined years of personal experience, client feedback and the best research to create the I 3 Training System

“I 3” stands for what your training needs to be day in and day out if you want to achieve your best physique…

Intentional… Integrated… Intense.

This is your golden ticket to a lean and powerful body

And I’ll show you exactly how to use it to take your physique to the next level.
Massthetic Nutrition FREE!
If you own a high-end vehicle like an Italian sports car or luxury BMW I bet you take pretty good care of it…

And treat it like your most important possession…

Keep it fueled up, clean and only filled up with high-performance oil…

So why don’t you do the same for your body?

After all… this is the only one you’ll ever get!

Inside the Massthetic Nutrition guide you’ll unlock the 3-Phase Metabolic Fueling System…

A premium nutrition plan to fuel your body with the right stuff and build a powerful physique…

Complete with exactly what you should consume before, after, and during your workout…

Plus, you’ll get my list of the top 8 supplements every man should have in his kitchen…

Featuring natural testosterone boosters that give you more muscle, strength and energy… to go all day long…

I’ll also reveal my secret Morning Cocktail recipe… It’s a complete body healing tonic in a glass…

And will give you the kickstart you need to win the day ahead…

You’ll get all this and more inside Massthetic Nutrition!
Massthetic Conditioning FREE!
Did you know that traditional cardio is killing your physique?

That’s right… long jogs on the treadmill aren’t only boring… but they also raise stress hormone levels in the body…

And cause you to store fat instead of burn it!

That’s why with Massthetics Conditioning you won’t run a lick of “traditional cardio” again…

And instead will learn how to run cardio the muscle-building way…

With Anabolic Interval Sessions…

Each one of these anabolic cardio sessions is short and to the point so you torch fat off your body in 8-10 minutes…

… and get right back to the more important things in your day.

Plus these short and explosive exercises will keep your fat burning hormones running for 24-48 hours after you train…

So you burn even the most stubborn body fat with ease…

Even while you sleep…

And hey… if you want to be the best dad ever… you can even have your kids join you for this short workout they’ll love!

(it may even knock them out when bedtime rolls around).

I guarantee you’ve never done cardio like this before… and you’ll never go back to wasting your time going for a jog again.
Massthetic Training FREE!
Imagine what it would feel like to show off a head-turning physique only 3 months from now…

Packed with rippling muscle that beautiful women can’t help but stare at

Like that of your favorite Hollywood heroes... like Hugh Jackman in Wolverine… or Daniel Craig as James Bond…

There’s no doubt if you can transform your body to look like that in weeks, your life will change for the better…

And that’s exactly what will happen when you use the Massthetic Muscle Training Program…

Inside this 12-week training block you’ll build muscle and burn fat at the same time…

While boosting your testosterone levels and filling up on more energy than you’ve had in years…

And guess what… it doesn’t matter what your current fitness level is… You’ll THRIVE on this program…

Because I created it using my trademark Precision Hypertrophy Principles (PHP)...

So you can start the program even if you’ve only been training for 6 months… 1 year… 5 years…

Or you haven’t touched a weight in decades…

Plus… you’ll gain access to 4 proven ways to build Massthetic Muscle…

And upgrade your physique with ease…

This isn’t your father’s training program… you’ll be shocked at how fast you see results!
Massthetic Mechanics FREE!
There’s nothing worse than starting a workout program...

And then tweaking your back, hurting your elbow or pulling a muscle…

Not only does it slow down your progress… but it makes you question if working out is for you…

Yet with Massthetic Mechanics you can put all those fears to rest…

Because with it you’ll have no problem getting the body you crave safely and effectively in 12-weeks

Inside Massthetic Mechanics I’ll give you a step-by-step visual of each exercise

Complete with pictures and descriptions to get the most out of every movement…

So injury is out of the question…

I’ve taken special care to make this guide totally foolproof… You can’t get lost or confused…

Can you put a price on that kind of peace of mind?

I don’t think so… Yet today you’ll get it free!
Massthetic Workouts FREE!
With Massthetic Workouts you’ll lock in to 12 weeks of done-for-you workouts…

Featuring a “clear as day” 5-day per week workout plan that’s so simple to follow you’ll wonder if it can really be this easy…

Everything is laid out for you. Including… exercises, sets, reps and even a section for notes…

Plus I’ve broken down each 4-week cycle of the program… so you know exactly where you’re at on your journey to a jaw-dropping physique…

Personal clients of mine have paid hundreds of dollars for this program…

Today you pay nothing

Take this printable guide with you to the gym and in just 12-weeks you’ll show off an unbeatable body…
Ab Solution FREE!
Think of how good it’ll feel to head to the beach knowing the moment you take your shirt off… all eyes will be on you…

Women in bikinis will gasp with excitement… and giggle and whisper like school girls…

And guys will avoid walking near you… because they know their body doesn’t compare…

Sounds pretty great, right? Well…

You can bring that fantasy to life with Abs Solution… Because…

This abs program combines only the best abs workouts into one system. So you don’t waste a moment of time with pointless movements… or hundreds of reps that lead you nowhere…

The truth is… a true head-turning physique is never complete without a great set of abs

And once you get a chiseled midsection to go with your new muscular body… you’ll brim with confidence…

Even with clothes on!

Because just knowing that your abs are better than the next guy is enough to give you an edge in any environment… And…

When your lady wants to head to the bedroom with you, she won’t be able to get your shirt off fast enough…

And now you can enjoy that moment with zero insecurity…

Because you’re packing your best abs ever!
Colossal Calves FREE!
Got chicken legs?

Hate the way your legs look in a pair of shorts?

Colossal Calves will save the day!

Even if your small calves are the result of “poor genetics”…

I guarantee you’ll grow round and muscular calves that you feel confident showing off…

Because inside this one-of-a-kind calf-focus guide you’ll learn exactly how to target each part of your lower leg…

And give it just the stimulus it needs to explode with size…

So you build thick and muscular calves that stack up with the rest of your physique

And never have to hide or make excuses for them again…
I think you’ll agree with me… That’s an insane amount of value in one pop…

And with all the firepower it offers towards helping you achieve your dream physique…

There’s one question you have to ask yourself 
Do You Have The Courage To Get Your Muscular, Strong & Energized Body Back?
I ask because most guys don’t…

Because the truth is even though most guys wish for a young, muscular, strong body…

They’ve forgotten that a body like that comes with a lot of perks they’re not ready to handle… Especially after 30

See—when you were younger, folks expected you to be in shape…

But when you’re a successful man with a few gray hairs and an attractive physique… you better watch out…

Because you’ll get more attention from beautiful, mature women and spunky young ladies at this age than you did in your 20s…

No matter how great your body was back then… Plus…
If you have a partner or spouse, she’s going to constantly rub her hands across your body…

And will brag to all her girlfriends about how good you look naked. Because she can’t keep it to herself…

She may even want sex several times a day…

Can you keep up with her?
With your newfound energy, strength and vigor, I’m sure you will be… Yet… that’s not all…

Everyone will look to you to lead them at the office…
Because your body commands respect. And raises your status a few notches…

It may even help you climb a few rungs up the corporate ladder with ease…

Which means a bigger paycheck, more influence, and more responsibility…

Can you handle that? And…

It doesn’t end there… Because you won’t only get your body back…

But you’ll have more confidence than ever before…

And feel like you’ve hit the jackpot in life

Successful… strong… and loaded with sex appeal…

Basically, you’ll have every right to be a cocky prick if you want… though I hope that’s not what you choose…

But you can cross that bridge when you get there…

For now, you need to make the right choice… 
Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Receive Massthetic Activation For Just $19… PLUS The Massthetic Muscle Bonus (Worth $249) For Free!
Yes! I want to show off a strong, muscular and respected physique starting today!

And guess what…

I want to give you complete peace of mind with your decision today

And that’s why I’m going to put all the risk on me… And make this a true RISK-FREE OFFER for you…

By backing you with my 100% unconditional money back triple-guarantee when you buy Massthetic Activation today… 
Boost Muscle, Strength And Confidence In Weeks—Or Your Money Back!
I’m not happy unless you are, man.

I created Massthetic Activation to give you more muscle, strength, and confidence…

Regardless of age…

Using mind-muscle techniques that make getting ripped and strong physique than ever before…

And I don’t just mean easier because you’ll achieve your ideal physique faster…

But it’ll also be easier on your joints and muscles… So you don’t have to put your body in harm’s way…

If that’s not what it does for you, then I don’t deserve your investment.

It’s that simple. All you have to do is pair the Massthetics Activation guide with Massthetic Muscle… and you’ll get unbeatable results…

Follow the program to the “t” and watch your physique transform before your eyes.

And if you don’t experience everything I’ve promised, write me an email and I’ll refund every penny… no questions…

Plus—you get a full 60 days to try it out…

So you have plenty of time to adapt this program to your schedule and get your old body back… but even more likely…

You’ll get a better body than ever before…

Consider my signature below as my promise to you that Massthetics Activation will come through on everything you’ve read today:
Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Receive Massthetic Activation For Just $19… PLUS The Massthetic Muscle Bonus (Worth $249) For Free!
Yes! I want to show off a strong, muscular and respected physique starting today!

You Have 2 Options Of Where To Go From Here…
Option #1: Do Nothing.
If you choose to do nothing today… you’re making the choice to ignore everything you’ve learned on this page…

Including all the scientific research about effective imaginary exercise…

And the muscle activation techniques that’ll to take your physique to the next level…

Also, the training hacks that stimulate every muscle fiber in your body before you touch a weight… Plus…

You’ll miss out on the safest way any guy over 30 can train while also building the maximal amount of muscle…

Yet, that’s not all you’re missing out on if you choose to do nothing today… Because…

By choosing to do nothing, you’re also making the choice to keep living with a body that no one respects… 
And will only get worse over time. And the more pounds you add, the more miserable you’ll get…

The fat around your belly will get thicker and harder… and you’ll have to buy larger shirt sizes so you feel less embarrassed work or parties…

You’ll waste time every morning trying to pick out clothes that’ll hide your man boobs… and aren’t too tight on the neck…

But no matter what, you can’t hide it well enough to get the respect you crave from your peers… 
Your partner will try to support you… and will say that she loves you for the person you are…

While secretly wishing you had the body you did when you first met

And even though she says she cares more about your personality than your body…

You’ll notice that sex becomes less and less frequent…

And she stops flirting with you like she used to… But…

Deep down you can’t blame her…

Because you don’t even like staring at your body in the mirror… and hardly recognize yourself anymore…

You’ll compare yourself to other guys… younger guys… guys your age… even older guys… 
And find your body falls short next to theirs…

And even if you have a bigger bank account… no one cares…

Because everyone who sees you only cares about one thing

That you’re out of shape. And not worth their full respect because of it…

When a buddy pokes fun at your belly… or your kids innocently ask why you don’t have muscles like their soccer coach…

All you’ll be able to say is, “I used to be ripped,” or “I used to be strong.”

But no one cares about what you used to be…

Your wife or girlfriend… your kids… your colleagues… your boss… the cute girl at the receptionist’s desk…

They only care about what you are right now

And I hope you do, too…

Because if you care about yourself… you won’t take option #1… Instead, you’ll go with the next one…
Option #2: Get Your Ripped, Strong, Confident Body Back… STARTING TODAY!
This is the only option for you… and I promise…
It’ll change your life…
Because when you choose to go down this path, you’ll achieve a ripped and strong body worthy of everyone’s respect

And their lust, too…

You’ll tap into mental power you’ve never used during a workout before…

And will skyrocket your results… Because…

For the first time in your life your mind and your muscles will be completely dialed in to get the body you crave

No matter what your age or starting point right now…

Your peers at work will witness your transformation… And will gush with respect for you…

Your boss will see that you’re dedicated not only to your career… but also to your health…

And you’ll leap frog the next guy in line for the big promotion…

Because the head honcho sees you can take care of yourself…

And he can trust the company in your hands…

Your partner will have a whole new set of eyes for you… no matter how long you’ve been together…
Because she’ll think it’s hot that you’re a man of action. And have decided to take care of yourself…

So you and her can enjoy life together for the long haul… Plus, you’re sending the message that time with her matters…

Which is a major “turn on” for her…

And when you pair your new romantic aura with a rippling new physique…

… just seeing you naked may send her libido through the roof…
And if it does… you’ll have no problem keeping up with her

Because you’re in the best shape of your life…

Ripped. Strong. And loaded with plenty of energy to go until she’s fully satisfied.

You won’t only have more “get up and go” for the gym, work, and bedroom…

But you’ll have plenty juice in the tank to chase your kids around and be the best dad ever…

And on days when you get to pick them up from school… you’ll stand out from all the other guys there…

Because your physique will be head and shoulders above the rest…

And the young teachers won’t be able to keep from pointing and staring with adoration…''

And will especially love it when your kids run into your arms…

And they laugh as you throw them in the air with ease

On top of all that, you’ll be a more confident man than ever before…

Because when you were younger, you may have had some muscle…

But you weren’t nearly as successful as you are now…

Because now you’ve reached a level of status, financial success, and you’re a full-blown family man…

And have a better body than you ever dreamed

When you take this option and buy Massthetic Activation today… Folks will look at you with deep appreciation…

Heck, you’ll even have deeper respect for yourself…

And at the end of the day… isn’t that what it’s all about?

Then what are you waiting for? Don’t miss this life changing opportunity… 
Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Receive Massthetic Activation For Just $19… PLUS The Massthetic Muscle Bonus (Worth $249) For Free!
Yes! I want to show off a strong, muscular and respected physique starting today!

Frank Rich
P.S. If you want to increase size and strength and boost your confidence in 12-weeks or less click or tap the link here to get started. Everything you need get the physique you crave and others respect is laid out for you in this easy to follow program. Pair it with the bonus program and you’ll be good as gold. Just click the “add to cart” button above and enjoy more status, respect and confidence starting today.

P.P.S. Remember, you’re backed by my 60 day money back guarantee. Meaning you get to try this life-changing new program 100% risk-free. If you’re not happy, I don’t deserve your investment. Just give me your best effort. That’s all I ask.

P.P.S. When you grab Massthetic Activation today you’ll also gain access to my personal email. If you ever get lost or confused or need some motivation, just reach out to me and we’ll tackle it together!

Frequently Asked Questions
How fast will I see results?
If you stick to the protocol inside, you should start feeling your muscles activating within seconds of starting the program. That’s how quickly Massthetic Activation works…

As for seeing noticeable changes in your physique, that depends on whether or not you give Massthetic Activation and the Massthetic Muscle bonus workout program your best effort. If you do, you’ll certainly notice changes in your physique, strength and energy levels within the first 7-10 days.
Can I do this program at home?
Absolutely. You’ll probably need to buy some equipment though. Like a resistance band, an adjustable bench press, and a floor mat. Keep in mind that this program shows you how to activate every muscle fiber in your body… it isn’t a complete workout plan…
The bonus, however, features a full 12-week workout plan. You’ll need a gym to get the most out of the bonus. 
Overall, I recommend finding a gym you enjoy, or one close by and do these workouts there. 
You’re sure I can’t find a program like this anywhere else?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You WILL NOT find another program like this on the planet. Not even with a Google search. I’ve taken all the best scientific data, proven techniques and even personal experience with these methods and created the one-of-a-kind product you’ll get on this page.
No other program is dead set on helping you lock in your mind with your muscles, and walks you through the techniques to get the job done. This program contains all of the unique mechanisms I mentioned earlier, like Internal Muscle Signaling, Muscle Isolation Primers, and Blood Rush Activation. No other program does this… If you can find one that does and is works better than what I’m offering you today, just holler at me and I’ll get your money back. But first…  
Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Receive Massthetic Activation For Just $19… PLUS The Massthetic Muscle Bonus (Worth $249) For Free!
Yes! I want to show off a strong, muscular and respected physique starting today!

I’m older than 40. Can I really thrive on this program?
Thrive? Brother, this program was made for you! I created Massthetic Activation for men over 30 who are unhappy with their body and want to get in the best shape of their life. If that’s you—there’s no need to doubt whether or not this program will fulfill your wishes.
When you pair Massthetic Activation with the Massthetic Muscle bonus program, you’ll get lean, strong and energized in a hurry. 
I’m overweight and feel stuck. Will this work for me?
Definitely. Did you know that simply increasing blood flow in your body leads to fat loss? It’s true. And that’s one of the perks of Massthetic Activation. When you perform these moves, you stimulate blood flow to your muscles. As you do, the fat areas surrounding those muscle begin to shrink. In other words, this program won’t only help you build muscle and get stronger. You’ll burn fat while you’re at it.
Who is Massthetic Activation NOT for?
I wish I didn’t have to add this section to the list of questions here. Because I like to believe that every guy out there is a hard worker. But here’s the deal—this program isn’t for guys who just want to slack off. And really, it’s so easy that if you do slack off, I may have to ask for your man card.
Remember, these are activation techniques. And you can do them just about anywhere. When you do, you’ll awaken every muscle fiber in your body and get stronger, more ripped and energized while you’re at it. It’s not hard or complicated. Still takes effort though. 
Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Receive Massthetic Activation For Just $19… PLUS The Massthetic Muscle Bonus (Worth $249) For Free!
Yes! I want to show off a strong, muscular and respected physique starting today!

How long does it take for me to get the program?
About 10 seconds to a few minutes. After you purchase, you’ll get instant access to Massthetic Activation and Massthetic Muscle. You can download it to your computer right away. Nothing is shipped in the mail so you don’t have to wait through any long fulfillment process for your program. Plus, doing it this way allows me to offer the entire system at a reduced price, which is bonus points for you!
Is my credit card and personal information safe?
Absolutely. When you click the “add to cart” button you’ll be taken to ClickBank’s 100% secure payment form. Your credit card and personal information is electronically processed without compromise. Clickbank is a Top 100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted with over 200 million customers in more than 190 countries.
Who is Clickbank?
Clickbank is a global platform where digital product creators can share their information with millions of customers on a 100% secure network. Only after being approved through a strict authorization process and showing evidence on all written claims can a product creator sell their program using this platform. Clickbank’s stern approval process ensures only high-quality products and valid information is given to all customers.
Can I use PayPal to check out? 
Yes. You can securely purchase Massthetic Activation using your PayPal account or any major debit or credit card.
Will I be billed more than once?
No. Massthetic Activation is a one-time secure payment and you’ll be an owner of the program forever. Your time is now… 
Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Receive Massthetic Activation For Just $19… PLUS The Massthetic Muscle Bonus (Worth $249) For Free!
Yes! I want to show off a strong, muscular and respected physique starting today!

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Copyright © 2021. Frank Rich Fitness. All Rights Reserved.